1-877-691-3202 gary@cbwatersystems.com

Our Solutions

Providing Quality Water to Families Throughout Texas

Clear blue Pro Xtreme

(with carbon)
The Clear blue Pro V Xtreme with it’s catalytic carbon pre-treatment filter is the finest, most exclusive water processing system in the industry. No water softener can do all that the Clear blue Pro Xtreme does.

Clear blue Pro Xtreme

The Clear blue Pro Xtreme including catalytic carbon and clarifier is the finest, most exclusive water processing system in the industry. No water softener can do all that the Clear blue Pro  Xtreme does.

CB PRO Carbon “backwash”

The Clear blue Pro Carbon “backwash” system incorporates activated catalytic carbon along with KDF-85 to remove chlorine, ammonia, chloramine and many heavy metals to improve the quality of your water. It will also help to prevent and eliminate bacteria in your water while removing bad taste and odor.

CB-PRO Iron & Sulfur

The CB-Pro iron and sulfur remover uses an oxidation process to eliminate iron and sulfur without chemicals, air compressors, aerators, and other complex equipment.

The CB-Pro stores air compressed by your well pressure, within the tank media. As your water passes through the air, the iron or sulfur is converted to a partical which is trapped in the media, then discharged from the unit.

Clear blue Pro Micron

The Clear blue Pro Micron filtration system’s 5 function combines ultra filtration with submicron reverse osmosis and absorption filtration to produce high-quality drinking water for the home.

Fresh and Friendly Soap Products

Fresh & FriendlyTM soap products keep your home sparkling clean without polluting the environment. Formulated especially for processed water, all of our products contain Fresh Squeezed® and environmentally friendly cleaning agents.